SAS AB (publ) announces notice of the Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2019
Shareholders in SAS AB (publ) (Company) are hereby invited to attend the Annual General Meeting on 13 March 2019. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 15 p.m. at SAS head office,...
View Article1.8 million flew with SAS during January
The number of passengers traveling with SAS's scheduled traffic increased slightly compared to January 2018. At the same time, the passenger load factor and unit revenue increased.
View ArticleSAS brings the best of Scandinavia to SXSW
Meet, taste, test, and experience the best of the future together with some of Scandinavia’s most innovative organizations, companies, and profiles at House of Scandinavia, a creative hub hosted by SAS...
View ArticleSAS tar med det bästa från Skandinavien till SXSW
Smaka, testa och upplev det bästa av framtiden och möt några av Skandinaviens mest innovativa företag och profiler på festivalen South by Southwest 2019 (SXSW) i SAS egna lounge, House of Scandinavia....
View ArticleSAS præsenterer det bedste fra Skandinavien i Texas
Kronprinsessen, Margrethe Vestager, stjernekokken Kamilla Seidler, Roskilde Festival, ABBA og meget mere er på programmet, når SAS fremviser Skandinaviens mest innovative aktører gennem ’House of...
View ArticleSAS bringer det beste ved Skandinavia til South by Southwest
Det mangfoldige arrangementet, som oftest benevnes som SXSW, består av konferanser, messer, film- og musikkfestivaler, og går av stabelen i Austin, Texas 8. – 17. mars. SAS flyr direkte fra Skandinavia...
View ArticleSAS vinnare i Grand Travel Awards 2019
SAS tog igår kväll hem förstapriset i två kategorier i resebranschens Grand Travel Awards: Bästa Transport Inrikes och Bästa flygbolag Europa.
View ArticleInbjudan till telefonkonferens i samband med SAS rapport för första kvartalet...
Delårsrapporten för perioden 1 november 2018 till 31 januari 2019 publiceras onsdagen den 27 februari, 2019, cirka kl 08.00 (CET). En telefonkonferens och webcast för investerare, analytiker och media...
View ArticleInvitation to SAS Q1 2019 teleconference
SAS will publish the interim report for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2019 on Wednesday, 27th of February 2019, at approximately 08.00 AM (CET). A teleconference and webcast for investors,...
View ArticleSAS launches new campaign – Scandinavia Starts at Takeoff
The new SAS campaign “Scandinavia Starts at Takeoff” is inspiring travelers from around the world to visit Scandinavia. Across four short films employees of SAS share what they love most about...
View ArticleKay Kratky proposed as new Board member of SAS AB
On 6 February 2019, SAS AB published its notice convening the Annual General Meeting (AGM) to take place on 13 March 2019. In the notice the Nomination Committee nominated the seven current Board...
View ArticleKay Kratky föreslagen som ny styrelseledamot i SAS AB
Den 6 februari 2019 publicerade SAS AB sin kallelse till årsstämma som äger rum den 13 mars 2019. I kallelsen till årsstämma informerade valberedningen om att den nominerat de nuvarande sju...
View ArticleSAS pop-up restaurant transforms SXSW food waste into 9-course gourmet dining
Festival guests at SXSW can look forward to an unforgettable night at pop-up sustainable-gourmet restaurant “Lokal” featuring Scandinavian techniques and flavors added to Texan dishes and local...
View ArticleSAS has been CO2 offsetting 1.5 million Youth Tickets
Over the past year, SAS has been CO2 offsetting all Youth Tickets, amounting to a total of almost 1.5 million tickets, an increase of five percent. The initiative is part of SAS' ambition to promote...
Gennem det seneste år har SAS CO2-kompenseret alle ungdomsbilletter, svarende til næsten 1,5 millioner rejser. Tallet afslører en stigning i salget af ungdomsbilletter på fem procent og en trend mod en...
View ArticleSAS med ny direkterute mellom Brüssel og Tromsø
SAS åpner en ny direkterute mellom Brüssel og Tromsø som direkte respons på den økte internasjonale interessen for byen Tromsø og Norges nordlige landsdel.
View ArticleSAS launches new direct route from Brussels to Tromsø
SAS will operate a Boeing 737 on the route on Saturdays from January to March. The winter period is seen as a particularly attractive time to visit Northern Norway, so SAS has reached agreements with...
View ArticleThe Swedish pilot union, Svensk Pilotförening, choose to go on strike
Members of the Swedish pilot union (Svensk Pilotförening, SPF) in SAS Scandinavia have been called out on strike. As a consequence of the strike, domestic, European and long-haul flights have been...
View ArticleAdditional traffic disruptions due to pilot strike
We deeply regret that our customers are being affected by the ongoing pilot strike that has led to delays and cancellations. As a result of the ongoing conflict, SAS will cancel additional departures...
View ArticleYtterligare inställda flyg på grund av den pågående pilotstrejken
Vi beklagar djupt att våra kunder drabbas av den pågående pilotstrejken, som leder till förseningar och inställda flyg. På grund av den pågående konflikten ställs nu ytterligare avgångar in under...
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